Side Projects

Virtual Production - Technical Test

1) Proof of Concept for Virtual Production Setup in NTU
(mobilise MoCap system + CinePuck) 

ICVFX Virtual Production Technical Rider

-A Proof of Concept Work-

-UE 4.27 (38 pages)

-UE 5.2.1 (18 pages)

2) Motion Capture and Chaos  (UE 5.2 with Mocopi)

Destruction Therapy

3) Mocap Music Game Technical Test (UE 5.2 with Mocopi)

Kinect_test - Unreal Editor 2024-06-16 21-43-36.mp4

Interactive Media Art - Idea Exploration

1) Southeast Asian Religious


Inspired by Shinto : natural human-computer interaction

Clear your mind

"Clap clap"


One of the following pattern will appear after 2 claps:

Challenges: The computer needs to detect 2 peaks within a short time